Cloud Native Webinars

Are you ready to take your applications to the next level?
Then this 6 part webinar series is for you. It's designed to take both beginners and advanced users, through the Cloud Native space, with a focus on the VMware Tanzu portfolio.

In this series, we will take you from the basics of designing Cloud Native applications, explaining the 12 factor app metodology, to how to manage and deploy Kubernetes, to deploying databases on top of Kubernetes, to helping your developers be more productive and delivering applications, better, faster, and more secure, using a developer portal.

Watch the recordings in your own pace, and reach out, if you have questions or want to know more.

# Date Title Registration/Recording Presentation
1 15 August Modernize your applications Presentation
2 22 August Running your modern applications Presentation
3 5 September Kubernetes as a service to your users Presentation
4 12 September Discover the magic of data services in Kubernetes Presentation
5 26 September Path to production Presentation
6 3 Oktober Making life simpler for your developers, with a portal Presentation

Reach out on X or Linkedin if you have questions, or just want to connect.